Sunday, March 12, 2017

Putnam's Riddle

Cris Putnam, bestselling author and Christian apologist, passed away unexpectedly on Wednesday, evening March 1, 2017.  One of his last post on Logos Apologia was a riddle of sorts, and this post is in loving memory to Cris and the Godly legacy he has left.  His post, Am I Coming Soon?, was truly a wonderful riddle, and it is my hope that you enjoy this, my answer to his riddle.

Four times does Jesus say in the Book of Revelation "I am coming quickly", and this phrase has been debated from the very beginning.  The academics, whether from a religious point of view or not, all agree that Christ did not mean what He said.  This is a little hard to counter because 2,000 years have in fact passed by.  However, what may be the real issue of difficulty is what particular discipline of academia is being utilized for the exegesis of said phrase.  Perhaps accredited studies in  Koine Greek nor in Theology is what is truly required to decipher what Jesus was pointing to.  Maybe the correct field of study is Mathematics, and more to the point Geometry.

The four verses in question is as follows.
Revelation 3:11 LITV  Behold, I am coming quickly. Hold what you have that no one take your crown.
Revelation 22:7 LITV  Behold, I am coming quickly. Blessed is the one keeping the Words of the prophecy of this Book.
Revelation 22:12 LITV  And, behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to each as his work is.
Revelation 22:20 LITV  The One testifying these things says, Yes, I am coming quickly. Amen. Yes, come, Lord Jesus!

The exact phrase in Koine Greek is "ερχομαι ταχυ" and all the translations, whether old or new, relays the aspect of a rather near event, not one that is far into the future.  Unless, of course, you utilize the concept that time is cyclical and not linear.  Looking at this as God actually wrote it, one thing comes to mind.  It is a fact that the original languages of the Bible, God's Holy Word, that being Hebrew and Koine Greek, never had Arabic numerals.   His Word was written long before Fibonacci introduced them to Western Mathematics in 1202.  

It is the norm for Christian academics to either view prophecy, and hence time itself, as being linearly defined as past, present or future.  This however is not what is contained within multiple verses of  Scripture.  Those verses paint an entirely different concept of time.

Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 LITV  That which has been, it is that which shall be. And that which has been done, it is that which will be done. And there is no new thing under the sun.  (10)  Is there a thing of which one might say, See this, it is new? It has already been for the ages which were before us.
Ecclesiastes 2:12 LITV  And I turned to behold wisdom, and madness, and folly. For what can a man do who comes after the king, when they have already done it?
Ecclesiastes 3:15 LITV  That which has been, it already is; and that which is to be, it already has been. And God seeks what has gone by.
Ecclesiastes 6:10 LITV  That which has been is named already, and it is known that he is man; and he is not able to contend with Him who is stronger than he.
Isaiah 46:10 LITV  declaring the end from the beginning, and from the past those things which were not done, saying, My counsel shall rise; and, I will do all My desire;

All of these verses state that time is cyclical not linear.  This also needs to be magnified by the simple fact that the letters used to write them are also numbers, one and all.  As already stated, the original languages used are AlphaNumeric by design, never containing Arabic numerals.  This being the case, let us look at this phrase mathematically.

When the letters are used as Greek number we see wondrous things whereas ""ερχομαι ταχυ" is in reality the sums 826 and 1301 respectively.  This is one of geometry's greatest conundrums.  You see when you put this into equation form it is thus. 
1301 / 826 = 1.57
This integer 1.57 is known to be defined as:
π/2 = 90 and (pi)3.14/2 = 1.57

In effect, Jesus was stating He was half of the circle, or time itself. 

We also see other integers at work for 826 + 1301 = 2127.  Anther way of stating that is "ζωοποιουντος" in the Koine Greek.  This being the singular word that equates to that sum is found in two verses, and means variously make alive, give life, or quicken.

Romans 4:17 LITV  according as it has been written, "I have appointed you a father of many nations;" before God, whom he believed, the One making the dead live, and calling the things that are not as if they were.
1 Timothy 6:13 LITV  I charge you before God, He making all things alive, and Christ Jesus, the One witnessing the good confession to Pontius Pilate,

I hope you have been edified, and remember to offer up your prayers for Cris' loved ones.  Time will prove that though Cris is gone, he shall be back around the ride.  The Lord Jesus Christ will raise him up on the last day, and in that you can rest assured.

God bless - God speed,

All scripture from Green's Literal Translation (LITV). 
Copyright 1993 by Jay P. Green Sr. 
Copyright 03/12/2017
Matthew Miller


Friday, March 10, 2017

The Pope, Prophecy, & Time Topsy-Turvy

Exegesis on Pi and its Biblical Usage as a Temporal Integer

There are two topics in the world in which we live that will inevitably intersect. When it comes to popularity and frequency of use, these two things, Pi and the Bible, they both stand out in ways that are incomprehensible.
First let us consider Pi. Irregardless of people, place, or language, if the task at hand is figuring the dimension of the world that we find ourselves upon, or any world for that matter, you must utilize one math - one equation - one symbol - one language that defines the circle of life, and that one thing is Pi. Since its inception of use in 1706 by the British mathematician William Jones1, the Greek letter Pi has defined the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. Numbers are universal in math as the Greek alphabet is universal in mathematical constants. It does not matter in which mathematical field you walk, or in which mathematical language you speak, whether arithmetic, algebra, geometry or calculus, the equation is C/d = Pi and Pi equals 3.14. It's usage is infinite, and it's popularity extends not only to a Google Doodle2, but as of March 12, 2009, Pi Day has been designated March 14 (3/14 in the month/day date format) by the United States 111th Congress with H.R. 2243. More recently it has been put forth by Melissa Hogenboom to be arguably the most beautiful of all equations4.
Secondly, and only so by order, not importance, let us contemplate the Bible. No other book has known anything remotely close to its constant multilinguistical usage. It is currently being translated into 1,300 new languages and has already been translated into 1,185 languages5. It is not only the most highly cited source in history, with regards to nonfiction, it is the most highly quoted written work in both private and public speeches. It has been utilized by emperors, conquerors, usurpers, presidents, prime ministers, and all varying types of both elected and non-elected government officials. It has been cited as a source in the West, East, Middle East, and Far East as well as both Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The Bible has set the code of conduct for more individuals and set the rule of law for more of the total population ever born than any other book in history. Its popularity as far as the volume of total sales are concerned is absolutely staggering. When articles are written about which book is the "best seller" it is the standard not to include the Bible because it is common knowledge it holds prime position6. Daniel Radosh points out that the Bible, being the best-selling book of all time, obscures a more startling fact: that the Bible is the best-selling book of the year, every year7.
One fact that is obscured more than most, it that Pi was always a number. It is the truth that Pi has always equaled 80. That has always been the case because the Greek language was always alphanumerical in its written form, that is to say, the letters were also the numbers. It predates the advent of Arabic numerals (also Hindu–Arabic numeral system or Hindu numeral system) by thousands of years. This comes as a shock to most when they first realize that there were no 1s, 2s, or 3s in the ancient languages. Those things did not enter into the historical equation until Leonardo Fibonacci penned his 1202 book, "Liber Abaci", promoting its use in the west. With this in mind, that means that the Bible was composed alphanumerically from its very beginning.
The Bible was originally penned for the private use of Israelites in Hebrew. Later, it was transcribed into Greek to be included in the Library of Alexandria8 for consumption by the general population. Both of these "original", if you will, languages are alphanumeric and they always have been. In the Hebrew and Greek, you characterize numbers by either spelling them out or writing them out (one-hundred forty-four). The process of alphanumerics is called Isopsephy(ισος (isos) "equal" and ψηφος (psephos) "pebble") in Greek and Gematria(Greek γεματρία, "geometry") in Hebrew respectively.
These two alphanumeric processes can be utilized to determine if the ratio of Pi(22/7) can be found in the Biblical text. For this exercise, we will be using the 826th chapter of the Bible commonly called Ezekiel, the 24th chapter. I have selected the 1,290 day sequence from Daniel 12:11 for our Pi ratio(1290/410).
These verses, or equations rather, will be given in the following format: wordinteger

Ezekiel 24:23 Septuagint
και31 αι11 κομαι141 υμων1290 επι95 της508 κεφαλης764 υμων1290 και31 τα301 υποδηματα904 υμων1290 εν55 τοις580 ποσιν410 υμων1290 ουτε775 μη48 κοψησθε1012 ουτε775 μη48 κλαυσητε964 και31 εντακησεσθε803 εν55 ταις511 αδικιαις256 υμων1290 και31 παρακαλεσετε748 εκαστος796 τον420 αδελφον660 αυτου1171

Ezekiel 24:14 Masoretic
אני61 יהוה26 דברתי616 באה8 ועשיתי796 לא31 אפרע351 ולא37 אחוס75 ולא37 אנחם99 כדרכיך274 וכעלילותיך602 שפטוך415 נאם91 אדני65 יהוה26׃

796 + 31 + 351 + 37 + 75 = 1290
37 + 99 + 274 = 410
These results are conclusive, whereas 1290/410 equates to Pi = 3.14. It would appear that the results point to a cyclical aspect to time. Although this is not new, as the ancient Indian, Greek, Egyptian, Mayan and Aztec scholars viewed time in this manner, it is completely unconsidered by theologians both past and present. There can be no doubt that the Author of Ezekiel, the 24th chapter, mathematically inserted the 1,290 day sequence in a cyclical nature by utilizing the 3.14 ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. The hypothesis presented should also play out on a grandeur design with this chapter, if any credence is to be accredited to it. The chapter in question presents the equation 826/263 as Pi = 3.14.

Ezekiel 24:1 Masoretic
ויהי31 דבר206 יהוה26 אלי41 בשנה357 התשיעית1195 בחדש314 העשירי595 בעשור578 לחדש342 לאמר271׃

263 = 31 + 206 + 26

Ezekiel 24:2 Masoretic
בן52 אדם45 כתוב428 לך50 את401 שם340 היום61 את401 עצם200 היום61 הזה17 סמך120 מלך90 בבל34 אל31 ירושלם586 בעצם202 היום61 הזה17׃
202 + 61 = 263

Ezekiel 24:8 Masoretic
להעלות541 חמה53 לנקם220 נקם191 נתתי860 את401 דמה49 על100 צחיח116 סלע160 לבלתי472 הכסות491׃
401 + 49 + 100 + 116 + 160 = 826

Ezekiel 24:10 Masoretic
הרבה212 העצים215 הדלק139 האש306 התם445 הבשר507 והרקח319 המרקחה358 והעצמות617 יחרו224׃
507 + 319 = 826

Ezekiel 24:13 Masoretic
בטמאתך472 זמה52 יען130 טהרתיך644 ולא37 טהרת614 מטמאתך510 לא31 תטהרי624 עוד80 עד74 הניחי83 את401 חמתי458 בך22׃
52 + 130 + 664 = 826

Ezekiel 24:15 Masoretic
ויהי31 דבר206 יהוה26 אלי41 לאמר271׃
263 = 31 + 206 + 26

Ezek 24:19 Masoretic
ויאמרו263 אלי41 העם115 הלא36 תגיד417 לנו86 מה45 אלה36 לנו86 כי30 אתה406 עשה375׃

Ezekiel 24:22 Masoretic
ועשיתם826 כאשר521 עשיתי790 על100 שפם420 לא31 תעטו485 ולחם84 אנשים401 לא31 תאכלו457׃

These findings indicate that Ezekiel Twenty-four is cyclical in nature. The Author of this text mathematically inserted the chapter number in a cyclical nature by utilizing the 3.14 ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. This is accomplished 8 times, four 826's and four 263's.

This data supports the hypothesis that time is cyclical, therefore Eschatology Isochronal. This comes at odds with academic theology 2 ways.
  1. The 1,290 days is a reoccurring sequence of time.
  2. Ezekiel 24 is a reoccurring prophetic event.

  1. Berggren, Lennart; Borwein, Jonathan; Borwein, Peter (1997). Pi: a Source Book. Springer-Verlag. ISBN 978-0-387-20571-7.
  2. 14 March 2010 - Pi Day
  3. United States. Cong. House. Supporting the designation of Pi Day, and for other purposes. 111th Cong. Library of Congress.
  4. Hogenboom, Melissa. "You decide: What is the most beautiful equation?" BBC 20 January 2016
  5. "Bible Statistics". Statistic Brain Research Institute 28 April 2013
  6. "The 15 Biggest Bestsellers EVER After The Bible (PHOTOS)". Huffington Post 30 July 2010
  7. Radosh, Daniel. "The Good Book Business." The New Yorker 16 December 2006
  8. Dines, Jennifer M. The Septuagint, Michael A. Knibb, Ed., London: T&T Clark, 2004.

Matthew Miller
Prophetico Productions